Why LinkedIn Is Not A Selling Channel And What Are We Doing Wrong?

Why LinkedIn Is Not A Selling Channel And What Are We Doing Wrong?

In the world of B2B SaaS, LinkedIn has become a popular platform for professionals to connect, network, and showcase their expertise. However, many businesses make the mistake of treating LinkedIn as a direct selling channel, leading to ineffective results. In this article, we will explore why LinkedIn is not the ideal platform for direct sales and highlight the common mistakes that businesses make when utilising it.

Things To Understand Before You Think Of Selling On LinkedIn

Before considering selling your product on LinkedIn, here are a few things to ponder.

LinkedIn is a Networking Platform

LinkedIn is primarily designed as a networking platform for professionals to build relationships and expand their connections. It provides a digital space for individuals and businesses to connect with industry peers, potential partners, and even potential clients. Instead of seeing it as a selling channel, businesses should view LinkedIn as a platform for nurturing professional relationships.

Building Trust and Credibility

Successful B2B sales rely heavily on trust and credibility. LinkedIn provides an opportunity to showcase expertise, share valuable content, and engage in industry discussions to build trust with potential prospects. By consistently providing valuable insights, demonstrating industry knowledge, and engaging in meaningful conversations, professionals can establish themselves as credible and trustworthy sources within their respective fields. Once you’re credible, only then your selling channel will carry value. No one buys from a non-trustworthy person.

Also Read:  A Guide To The Best Tools Used In Outbound Sales For B2B SaaS

Relationship Building vs Direct Selling

One of the common mistakes made on LinkedIn is using it solely for direct selling. Instead of bombarding prospects with sales pitches, businesses should focus on building and nurturing relationships. By connecting with potential prospects, engaging with their content, and offering genuine support and assistance, professionals can lay the foundation for long-term relationships that may eventually lead to sales opportunities. A direct selling channel might make you a quick buck, but building meaningful relationships will help create cashable assets in the long run.

Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

LinkedIn offers an ideal platform for content marketing and establishing thought leadership. By posting relevant and valuable content, professionals can position themselves as industry experts and attract the attention of their target audience. Sharing informative articles, thought-provoking insights, and actionable tips not only helps educate the audience but also increases the chances of attracting qualified leads who are genuinely interested in the services or products being offered.

Personalised Outreach and Connection Requests

One of the common pitfalls on LinkedIn is sending generic connection requests and immediately jumping into sales pitches. This approach often leads to low response rates and can damage professional relationships. Instead, professionals should personalise their outreach messages, highlighting a common interest or shared connection, and focus on building a connection first. Once a relationship is established, it becomes easier to discuss potential business opportunities. This method can also build a successful indirect selling channel due to the formation of a great network.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations

Engaging in meaningful conversations is a crucial aspect of leveraging LinkedIn effectively. By actively participating in discussions, commenting on industry-related posts, and sharing valuable insights, professionals can demonstrate their expertise and build connections with their target audience. It’s important to be genuine, offers helpful advice, and focus on building relationships rather than pushing sales agendas.

Utilising LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups provide a valuable platform for connecting with like-minded professionals and participating in industry-specific discussions. Joining relevant groups allows professionals to engage in conversations, share valuable insights, and build relationships within these communities. By actively contributing to group discussions, professionals can expand their network, gain visibility, and establish themselves as industry thought leaders. In groups, there are also a lot of opportunities to learn from those with a well-established selling channel.

Building an Effective LinkedIn Profile

An optimised LinkedIn profile is essential for creating a strong professional presence on the platform. Professionals should highlight their expertise, experience, and achievements while using relevant keywords to make it easier for potential prospects to find them. A well-crafted profile with a clear and concise summary, professional headshot, and detailed work history helps create a positive impression and encourages others to connect. 

Leveraging LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn provides valuable analytics tools that professionals can utilise to gain insights into the performance of their posts and the engagement of their audience. By leveraging LinkedIn analytics, professionals can analyse key metrics such as post reach, engagement, and click-through rates to refine their content strategy and understand what resonates with their target audience. This data-driven approach allows professionals to make informed decisions about the type of content to create and share, ultimately improving their chances of attracting the right audience and generating meaningful interactions. 

Following these steps, you can convert your LinkedIn page into an indirect lead magnet for your selling channel. It won’t serve the purpose directly but will serve as a diversion to guide the visitors to your website or wherever you sell.


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for B2B SaaS professionals when used correctly. Businesses can maximise their results by understanding its purpose as a networking platform and focusing on relationship building rather than direct sales. LinkedIn provides an opportunity to build trust and credibility by showcasing expertise, engaging in meaningful conversations, and sharing valuable content. 

It is important to view LinkedIn as a platform for nurturing professional relationships that can lead to long-term business opportunities. By leveraging the platform’s features like, LinkedIn groups, analytics, and personalised outreach, professionals can establish themselves as industry thought leaders, attract qualified leads, and expand their network. Remember, LinkedIn is not a selling channel but a platform for building connections that can pave the way for successful business relationships.

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