Overcoming Cold Email Objections: Tips For Handling Rejections

Overcoming Cold Email Objections: Tips For Handling Rejections

Objections and rejections are consequences of efforts. Hence, they should never demoralize you. Dealing with cold email objections can be a hassle sometimes. However, you can easily overcome rejections with the right strategy and approach. This article will explore the techniques you can use to ensure maximum success in your outreach efforts.

Handling Cold Email Objections: A Step-By-Step Guide

Here’s a list of things you need to understand to better deal with the rejections coming your way.

Get Rid Of The Common Objections

In cold emails, specific responses are standard and expected. Make a note of these and have your answer ready for these. Some examples of frequent objections would be “not interested,” ”too busy,” or “we’re already with [competitor brand].” Knowing what’s to come beforehand will help you better plan your responses and smoothen the outreach process.

Personalize To Please

A cold email tactic that’s proven to be effective time and again is personalization. You increase the chances of your email opening by 29% by simply tailoring your proposal to the customer’s pain points. Personalized emails also have 41% more chances to be clicked through. So, toss out the generic approaches and create ultra-personalized proposals to minimize cold email objections

Open With Value

With people receiving hundreds of emails each day, the attention span is not on your side. So, make the opening lines as great as possible. The best way to do that is to provide value upfront. Establish the purpose of the email clearly in the opening lines. If you’re sending an email to convince the prospect to purchase a premium solution, leave a free resource in the opening lines. Give the client a chance to understand your proposition in a limited time frame.

You can also share industry insights or relevant case studies highlighting how these benefit the recipient. Just be careful not to give too many or too few details because both won’t help the cause. The more the client understands how your proposal can benefit them, the fewer cold email objections you’ll have to deal with.

Make Your Emails Engaging

Ensure that your opening lines are easy to read and engaging. These lines should capture the prospect’s attention almost immediately. Hence, generic lines are a strict no-no here. Use fresh and exciting lines to let the prospect know what you’re offering. Studies show that email intros should be between 50-125 words to have the maximum chance of getting responses. Try to fall within this word limit to minimize cold email objections.

Strike Out The Pain Points

Your email should clearly communicate that you’ve thoroughly researched the prospect’s pain points. Use the BAB approach or the Before-After-Bridge approach. Start with the scenario they’re currently in, explain how your product can improve it, and then how you’ll get there. This approach makes it very easy to structure your value proposition correctly. Utilize this strategy to address the customer’s unique needs. 

Social Proof And Customer Success

Once you have the prospects’ attention, the next step is establishing your credibility. Everyone wants credibility in the form of social proof. So, include client testimonials, customer reviews, and success stories. Share the positive side of your brand and bank on the work you’ve done so far. Provide solid evidence to back up your claims through case studies and positive customer experiences. If you’re a vendor, social proof can increase your chances of closing a deal by 92%. Hence, it’s more significant than it gets credit for. Highlight relevant social proof only so the recipient isn’t bored. 

Make A Robust Follow-up Strategy

Persistence always pays off in cold email outreach because it’s not intrusive but subtly triggers the prospect. Ensure that all your follow-ups are well-planned and executed in a respectable manner. You can use software that automates your follow-ups so you never miss one. The optimum number of times to follow up with a prospect can be subjective. But, generally, following up 5 times gives you an 80% chance of conversion. Schedule follow-ups very carefully and never waste one. That’s because follow-ups can tackle both rejections and cold email objections.  

Also Read: Crafting Compelling Subject Lines For Cold Emails

Tackling Price Objections

Things get tricky when you enter into price negotiations with a prospect. In such situations, emphasizing the ROI of your proposal is the wise thing to do. Never settle for an unfair price, and learn to price your offers fairly. You can prove how your product helps customers save money or improve efficiency. In this way, you’re indirectly making them money and thus getting a step closer to conversion. 

Success stories also work great for convincing prospects. 

Dealing with ‘Maybe Later’

If a prospect says the only thing preventing a closure is timing, ask for a follow-up date. This will help differentiate valuable prospects from the rest. Sometimes, a company could be low on cash flow and thus unwilling to invest in your SaaS solutions. However, later they may consider your offer. To encounter timing-related cold email objections, set a mutually agreed-upon date, and move from there. 

Track And Analyze Rejection Data

You’ll inevitably lose some deals even with all the tips mentioned here. In such a case, track and analyze all rejection emails to form a better approach for the next campaign. Learning from the past cold email metrics is the only way to refine your strategy in B2B SaaS. 


The world of B2B SaaS is complicated and involves getting several factors right. Rejections are very common in this landscape. So, the way forward is to use cold email objections as learning opportunities, analyze past failures, and improve upon those flagged areas. Creating meaningful connections with prospects and getting conversions from objections is an art that takes time. So, learn your bit every day to master it one day. 

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