The Dos and Don'ts of Connection Requests in LinkedIn Prospecting

The Dos and Don’ts of Connection Requests in LinkedIn Prospecting

If you live in today’s world, you know that connections are everything. Your network determines your net worth. Hence, LinkedIn prospecting has become a powerful tool. That’s because it connects you to potential business partners, clients, and job opportunities. 

But, just like in real life, there are certain rules of etiquette that you should follow to make a great impression. In this article, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of connection requests on LinkedIn. This will make navigating the world of professional networking easy.

The Do’s of LinkedIn Prospecting

Some things work like a charm when you go LinkedIn prospecting. Here’s a list we made:

1: Personalize Your Connection Request

Connection requests need personalisation. It’s easy to understand why. Imagine you’re at a party, and someone you’ve never met before walks up to you. If they ask you to be friends, you’ll feel awkward, right? 

The same goes for LinkedIn. Instead of sending generic connection requests, take a few moments to personalise your message. Pick up something from their bio, headline, or about me section that tells their story. Use it in your message to sound interesting.

2: Research Before Connecting

Before sending a connection request, research the person you want to connect with. Learn about their interests, industry, and recent achievements. If you don’t have time, go through their profile and skim through their academics and their jobs. You’ll get a fair idea of who they are from this alone. 

This will help you tailor your message and show that you genuinely want to connect for a meaningful reason. LinkedIn is a professional platform. So, phrase your messages carefully and with meaning. Connecting with people randomly is not what we recommend.

3: Engage with Their Content

One of the best ways to start a conversation on LinkedIn is by engaging with content. If you wish to connect with someone, engage with their posts. Like, comment, or share their posts to get noticed and build a rapport. 

After you’ve done all this, send a connection request and a personalised message. These steps ensure they’ve seen your name and possibly visited your profile when they see your request. This can make your connection request more meaningful.

4: Be Clear About Your Intentions

When sending a connection request, it’s essential to be transparent. Meaningful LinkedIn prospecting is all about telling why you want to connect. Whether for business collaboration, job opportunities, or networking, stating your intentions helps build trust.

Be honest while talking about your intent. You’ll be surprised how much it’ll help you. Tell your prospects what’s your intent and stay consistent with that. Never contradict what you said before to maintain trust.

Also Read: More Than A Pitch: How Personal Branding Transforms SDRs 

The Don’ts of LinkedIn Prospecting

Now that you’ve read what to do, you need to know what not to do. Here’s our list of LinbkedIn no-nos. 

1: Spam Connection Requests

LinkedIn prospecting is not a numbers game. Sending hundreds of connection requests in a single day without any personalisation can lead to a negative reputation. Quality over quantity is the key. LinkedIn allows you to have only 36,000 first-hand connections. 

So, be selective in who you connect with. This number might seem that small, but everything quickly adds up once you start scaling. Research your prospects properly before connecting with them. 

2: Send Generic Messages

Avoid sending generic messages like, “I’d like to add you to my professional network,” without any context. This will never work because it’s impersonal and gives them no reason to accept. Tell them why you wish to connect and make the interaction genuine. Make your message so personalised that they’re forced to connect. 

3: Pitch Immediately

Connecting with someone on LinkedIn doesn’t mean you should immediately pitch your product or service. This is the most common mistake beginners make. Building a relationship should be your primary goal. Pitching too soon can be off-putting. A good rule is to think how you’d feel if you were pitched your message.

4: Ignore Connection Requests

If you receive a connection request from someone you don’t know, take a moment to look at their profile and message. Don’t ignore requests mindlessly. Encourage small creators and budding professionals because you may be or were in their shoes.

Another tricky thing is deciding what to say when you don’t wish to connect. End the interaction with a sweet note. Explain why you didn’t connect with them and thank them for reaching out.

The Importance of LinkedIn Prospecting in B2B SaaS

LinkedIn is especially vital in the B2B SaaS industry. It’ll sound more convincing when you look at the stats. According to recent statistics, 91% of marketing executives use LinkedIn for making purchase decisions in the B2B sector. This gives enough significance to building strong connections and relationships on the platform.

The Etiquette of LinkedIn Endorsements

While we’re discussing LinkedIn prospecting, you must know about endorsements. Endorsing someone’s skills or expertise is a way to show your appreciation for them. However, it’s essential to endorse genuinely and not overdo it. 

Endorsing skills you’re genuinely familiar with can strengthen your connection with others. If you’ve worked with someone that excels in a skill, endorse them.


LinkedIn prospecting is a golden egg for all B2B professionals. Use this valuable tool to connect with professionals in your industry and expand your network. Remember the dos and don’ts we discussed here to make the most of this platform.

If you follow these guidelines, you’ll beat more than half of your competition easily. You’ll form meaningful connections that help you professionally. Referrals, inbounds, and great reputation all come from effective prospecting. So, use these hacks to charm your prospects while being a true LinkedIn professional. 

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